スタジオチンドンは巷の美術部です。芸の力を信じます。小さくとも無限なガレージに芸の肥やしを運び込むことを怠らず、ときに他者からの「ゆさぶり」や「形にしたい思い」が入り、そこから生まれたものが一人歩きをする… 音楽のように。美術が手法の「芸能活動」が理想です。
"studio ChingDong" is an ordinary art club. I believe in the ability of art.I never neglect to bring fuel for art into my garage. which is small but limitless with possibility. Sometimes inspirations or things I want to make a reality will originate from other people. From there, the object will take off on its own... like music.
Making "Public Entertainment by Art" is my cause.
Copyright © 2016〜 studioChingDong